You are looking at What happened to the rare white tiger cub whose mother turned him down?
In a zoo in Nicaragua, a very rare white tiger was born. Nieve is the name of the cute little cub. In Spanish, it means “snow.” It was born not long ago. The cute cub’s mother, a black and yellow Bengal tiger, turned it down soon after it was born, which was sad. The tiger mom is a show tiger that was saved. The person from the zoo said that the mother tiger could not make milk for the little white tiger baby. Unfortunately, wild animals that are kept as pets often lose their desire to protect their young.
The Nieve was lucky that the wife of the zoo boss helped it. Being able to feed and care for such a cute animal made her very happy. The cute cub is the first white tiger born in a Central American country. The zoo’s director, Eduardo Sacasa, says it weighed about 2 pounds when it was born.
White tigers are not a separate type of tiger. They only live in captivity because their parents, Bengal tigers, passed on a gene that doesn’t work. The Minnesota Wildcat Sanctuary says that the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) calls them “a genetic anomaly” because no other cat species is known to live in the wild. Neve’s parents are Bengali lions, a yellow one and a black one. But it looks like it got that gene from its tiger grandpa.
Marin Arguello, the wife of the Nicaragua zoo head, said she would take better care of the cute cub until it is strong enough to eat on its own. Harbor Arguello will have a tough time until then. She said, “Adorable little cub hasn’t lost her desire.” “Little cub screams every three hours if she doesn’t get milk.”