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Two Teens Mock Poor Old Lady On Bus

Two drunk teens started bothering an old woman on a bus until a poor man stepped in and stopped them. That event changed his life forever. Molly had a hard time getting on the bus. She felt pleased when someone put their strong hand under her elbow and helped her up. She turned to show her thanks with a smile, but the man made her jump. The hand belonged to a tall, thin person who looked like they were poor and didn’t take care of themselves. Molly quickly pulled her arm away and said, “Thank you,” in a stiff voice.

The man smiled sad because he was used to getting looks of disgust and rejection. In spite of everything, Tom was still himself. There was something about Molly that made him think of his mother as she sat down, taking up two seats. He knows that his mother would have felt sick seeing him like this. Tom went to the back of the bus and sat down by himself. He closed his eyes and thought. He couldn’t get Daisy, his little daughter, out of his mind. He remembered how she had clung to him.

Valery, Tom’s wife, was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer two years ago. Her death broke their world apart. To pay for her treatments, Tom spent all of their funds and even took out a loan against their house for 18 months. But it was all for nothing. Tom had to sell their house to pay off the bill after Valery died. His boss got tired of Tom’s absences while taking care of Valery and fired him. Tom lost his house and his job in just a few days. Now that Valery was gone, he only had his daughter Daisy to care for.

Following the sale of their home, Tom and Daisy were forced to move into a small one-bedroom apartment in a dilapidated building with smelly, graffiti-covered walls. When Child Services came, they took Daisy away from Tom. The only place he could see her was at the group home. He soon had nothing but a bus ticket to see his daughter and was living on the streets.

Tom got lost in his thoughts when he heard a loud voice wake him up. Someone in their teens’ confused words said, “Look here, driver!” “She has to pay for TWO tickets!” The teen smiled and swayed in front of Molly. His friend strutted over, just as drunk as he was. He laughed and said, “That’s right.” “You have to PAY MORE for the extra seat!”

Molly held on tight to her bag, trying not to show how uncomfortable she was. The other people on the bus didn’t look at her because they didn’t want to help her if the teens chose to rob her. A teen leaned over and poked her in the chest. “Move, lady!” he told her. “We need those seats.”

Molly put her hand to her chin to steady herself. “Young man, there are lots of other seats.” The second kid spoke up, and his words were full of a sense of entitlement. “Yes, but we want those seats.” You’re going to give them to us!”

A loud voice cut him off just as he reached for her. “Friend, get your hands off that woman, or you and I are going to have a talk!” The teens went cold. When Molly looked up, she was shocked to see the poor man who had helped her get on the bus. He held his head up higher and stood taller.

He said carefully, “You two can leave now, or I’ll help you off. But you’re getting off this bus.” The teens looked at each other with doubt. Picking on an old woman who couldn’t defend herself was one thing, but this man, even though he looked dirty, handled himself like he knew how to handle trouble.

At the next stop, the teens got off the bus quickly and looked back at Tom with fear in their eyes. He walked up to Molly and spoke softly. “Ma’am, did they hurt you?” Do you need help?” While she looked at him, Molly’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m fine… Thank you. Could you help me get home?”

Tom said yes. “Of course, ma’am.” I can do anything.

When they got to Molly’s building, Tom helped her get down and showed her the way to her apartment. Molly told him to stay inside for coffee and a slice of apple pie. Molly heard Tom’s story while they were eating and frowned. She picked up the phone and said, “I wonder.” After we talked for a short time, she smiled with pride. I have a son who runs a farm upstate. His right-hand man quit, and he needs to find a new one. I think you might be a good fit!”

Tom was shocked. “But I don’t know anything about farming,” she said.

Molly smiled and said, “That’s what I told my son. I also told him that you’re strong, determined, and that you can learn anything.” “And you have a very good reason to succeed.” “Am I wrong?”

Tom’s eyes got teary. “No, you’re right…”

She also said, “The job comes with a cottage, a good salary, insurance, and everything else.” “I think you’ll have Daisy back in a few months.”

That’s exactly what took place. Tom and Molly’s son got along great, and after six months, Child Services gave Daisy back to her dad. They began a new life together.

We learn from this story that when we help others, we help ourselves. The moment Tom stepped in to help Molly, his life and his relationship with his daughter were changed for the better. Don’t judge people based on how they look. She didn’t care how rough Tom looked because he was the one who saved her in the end.

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