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Man’s Horrifying Discovery Inside Store-Bought Broccoli

Imagine going grocery shopping, bringing home fresh vegetables, and finding something completely unexpected—a live snake! That’s exactly what happened to 63-year-old Neville Linton when he bought a bag of broccoli from a local supermarket, only to find a reptilian surprise hiding among his greens.

The Shocking Discovery

Neville, a resident of Stourbridge, England, had picked up a bag of broccoli from an Aldi supermarket without suspecting anything unusual. After storing it in his fridge for three days, he decided to prepare a meal. But as he unwrapped the broccoli, he came face-to-face with an uninvited guest—a snake nestled among the vegetables!

“It was pretty frightening. I’m not good with snakes,” Neville admitted. “It’s lucky I didn’t leave the broccoli out in the kitchen, or it would’ve been loose in the house.”

How Did the Snake End Up in His Broccoli?

Experts believe the snake accidentally traveled from a broccoli field in southwestern Europe before being packed and shipped to the UK. This highlights concerns about food safety, import regulations, and agricultural inspections.

The snake likely went unnoticed during harvesting and packaging before making its way through the supply chain and into Neville’s home.

A Call for Help

Initially unsure of what he was dealing with, Neville called his sister, Ann-Marie Tenkanemin, for assistance. As soon as she saw it, she identified it as a snake and helped safely contain it in a tub before returning it to the Aldi store on Dudley Road, where it had been purchased.

“It was a bit of a shock. I thought my sister was joking at first, but when I saw it moving, I backed off,” Neville said. “Even the guy in the shop was pretty frightened!”

What Kind of Snake Was It?

The supermarket staff sent the snake to a local zoo for identification. Initially, experts thought it was a young ladder snake, a species common in Europe. However, Dr. Steven J R Allain, a specialist in reptiles, challenged this identification.

According to Dr. Allain, the snake was actually a viperine water snake (Natrix maura), a species native to Southwestern Europe and Northern Africa. Though it resembles a viper, it is completely harmless to humans.

Is the Viperine Water Snake Dangerous?

  • Non-venomous: It poses no threat to humans.
  • Prefers to play dead rather than bite.
  • Feeds on fish and frogs, not mammals.
  • Can survive for months without food, which explains how it survived the journey from the farm to Neville’s fridge.

Dr. Allain reassured the public:

“These snakes are only dangerous to fish or frogs. They don’t bite humans as a defense mechanism—they’d rather play dead.”

How Common Are These Incidents?

Finding unexpected creatures in fresh produce is rare, but not unheard of. Over the years, shoppers worldwide have reported spiders, frogs, and even lizards hiding in fruits and vegetables. This raises questions about food safety practices and inspections in international food supply chains.

While supermarkets follow strict regulations, small agricultural lapses can sometimes lead to shocking surprises like Neville’s encounter.

Consumer Safety Tips: What to Do If You Find an Unwanted Guest in Your Food

To avoid similar surprises, here are a few simple tips:

1. Inspect Produce Before Buying

  • Check fruits and vegetables for signs of movement or damage.
  • Avoid packages with holes, tears, or unusual weight.

2. Wash and Soak Vegetables Thoroughly

  • Rinse leafy greens and broccoli under running water.
  • Soaking in salt water or vinegar can help remove unwanted pests.

3. Store Produce Properly

  • Keep vegetables refrigerated to slow down any hidden creatures.
  • Use sealed containers if storing fresh produce for extended periods.

4. Report Any Incidents

  • If you find something unusual in your food, contact the store’s customer service.
  • Report the incident to food safety authorities to ensure further investigation.

What Happened to the Snake?

After being safely removed, the viperine water snake was placed under expert care at the zoo, ensuring its safety and well-being. Meanwhile, Neville has received apologies from Aldi, with the supermarket promising to investigate their supply chain to prevent future occurrences.

Final Thoughts: A Shocking Yet Harmless Encounter

While finding a snake in store-bought broccoli is certainly a terrifying experience, it serves as a reminder of the importance of food safety and quality control. Thankfully, in this case, the snake was harmless, and Neville and his family handled the situation responsibly.

If you ever encounter an unexpected visitor in your groceries, stay calm, contain it safely, and report the incident immediately.

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